23 February 2009

Book Review: 'Millions of women are waiting to meet you'

'Millions of women are waiting to meet you'
By Sean Thomas

This book, which I got in my local library, caught my eye because it records the author's valiant attempts to find ultimate satisfaction through the web. He's looking for a loving relationship with a woman - something I can relate to. The book is a document of women he has e-mailed through online dating. These excitable ladies call themselves names such as:Bongowoman, Lizziegirl, Chinalady5, Bumps. Before long Mr Thomas is telling us about his sexual exploits with some of the women he meets following online correspondence.

There were moments, reading this book, that irritated me: all the oral sex, anal sex and the boastful way he talks of it. However Thomas does allow us a good, candid glimpse into his personal life, not something every writer is happy to put into print, nevermind script a book about.

The only part of the book that seriously rankled with me was Thomas' words relating to abortion.In order to avoid parenthood he persuades his pregnant sexual partners to terminate the life of the foetus. Even as a pro-choice person, I was upset at this cavalier attitude and the author lost my respect at that point.

Mr Thomas' adventures had been set by the editor he worked for and at the end of the book he rounds things off by admitting that internet dating hasn't really changed his life. Many would agree. I suspect most who try online dating are really quite desperate. I've had my own experiences with that type of dating and have found it underwhelming - just like this book!

Why read it though? Because Mr Thomas is honest about his adventures and the book offers great entertainment. He is courageous in describing his indulgence in one off gay sex. Thomas has an 'Access all areas'approach to the book and therefore doesn't alienate the reader: Hetro-Bi-Homo or even the Transvestite. If it's sex you're after then reading this book will give you all you desire. Except it's just a book and shouldn't be taken too seriously by the reader.
© Ian Callagy 2009

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