28 December 2009

2009: Lowlights & Highlights


Arsenal not winning the premiership

Death of acclaimed sound engineer, Bob Jones

Dearth of good new music releases

Continuing human rights abuses worldwide

The recession and its implications for us all

Failure of the national team to qualify for next year's World Cup in South Africa



Getting some of my work published (thanks are due to Catherine Reilly at Metro Eireann)

Pat Kenny being bawled out of it on his television programme

The great taste of Czech beer, courtesy of Lidl supermarkets

Launching my new blogsite which is specially devoted to retail issues:

The inauguration of Barrack Obama - the thrill of watching the event still hasn't gone away. A tonic for the troops!

The relative joys of Salsa dancing in central Dublin

To all those who have viewed my blogsite over the past year, have a happy new year!

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